Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sweet Silence on a long drive...

Last Wednesday I packed my truck and made the 3 hour trek to Farmington. I was supposed to go to the main hospital that day to finish some nursing education materials and prepare for my clinical rotation. However, the… let’s say “powers that be” had still not received my electronic finger prints and I was caught in a rock and desert? Mind over matter I thought, the drive up gave me the opportunity to listen to my Family Nurse Practitioner Review CD’s and absorb the beautiful New Mexico scenery.

I arrived in Farmington and met with my land lady. A tall blonde woman who greeted me with pink roses for my small “executive apartment” I rented for the month I am here. I have to say in the world of struggling students this woman is a saint. I emailed several “executive apartment” places here asking for a deal with prices. I explained I was a student and had to go to Bloomfield. I needed a safe place to stay but I was by no means a rich executive. One gave me “one hundred dollars off” for the bargain price of 1800 (I hope you can see the irony here), however my current land lady gave me a safe place to rest my head for 1000. I swear there is a place in heaven for this woman.
A few things I have learned:

1.       1. If your shower is freezing, look at the water heater, it may be left on “vacation” mode. I can’t blame a lady for looking out for the environment.

2.      2.  Let the water run a bit…just in case sediment was built up in the pipes…

3.      3.  Never forget warm slippers and your favorite blanket, they help you feel cozy in a new place a sleep.

4.      4.   Find the gym: Mine is around the corner from my digs. 

5.       5.  all else fails find your coffee shop. I like Starbucks and yes I own stock (I don’t drink coffee but they are supper nice to us tea drinkers too)

6.     6.    Melatonin is still my friend and helps when in a new place and can’t sleep.

The week passed with little help from the powers that be. However I have to say that I did get the opportunity to meet my preceptor and she seems animated, smart and driven. All awesome qualities to have, especially when asked to mentor another nurse. In fact, when I was going through this drama of the non-help from the powers that be, my preceptor was able to make some calls and emails, and guess what? Friday afternoon I was given the thumbs up to go to the hospital and finish paperwork. (Honestly health community, why do we make it so hard?)

My weekend was: books, family, food, skiing, mountain man and laughter, but not always in that order. In the spirit of hope I am looking forward to my next week. I will keep you updated. ;)

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