Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lost in thoughts

Today, I felt like not matter what I did, I would be harped on.

I am sitting in the library attempting to focus on the task at hand (my policy paper) thinking to myself; did I sign up for this?

Today was trying day in the assessment class. I take pride in doing things well, and making my patients feels comfortable and at ease, but I feel as though I just performed the worst exam ever. Not the that patient said anything, in fact she smiled and said I did a good job, but my instructor harped on me as though I was a target ripe for the plucking.

So here I sit, computer at my finger tips, pondering what to do next. Obviously I need to re-evaluate my techniques (widget work). Or, as my friend said “understand that the instructor was having a bad day”. Still no excuse in my opinion to focus on me. I was not one of the students who discussed her lack of appropriate behavior via professional correspondence (email), nor did I say in class disparaging comments about the grades she dealt out like a stack of stale cards. My grade was good in fact, strictly speaking, still above average. I think my issue is that as an instructor you are also considered a leader, and as such you should form a congruent interpretation of results and present them in a professional manor. As such she missed the mark. That being said, at the end of the day, I am not sure why I was the focus of her attention. Nor should I care. But in my heart of hearts I have that desire to always succeed and do well. And by well I mean I want to give the best care. I push myself internally more than any one person can outside of me. Believe me, what one person says in critic is about 10% of what I critic in my own thoughts and contemplation.

At the end of the day, my friends, whom I do respects will say “don’t be so mean to yourself” “don’t beat yourself up over this” or any other number of “encouraging” phrases. I get it, but what it comes down to is that if I don’t push myself, if I don’t have the desire to achieve or be better then it won’t happen. I compete only with myself, because only I can make that change. I stopped proving myself to the imaginary ghost. Instead I traded in that ghost of approval for a family that loves me and friends that appreciate me for me. The nerd, the contemplative, the girl who is “emotionally incontinent” at times, the woman who turns pale at the site of pain on another being, and who likes to wear fun socks and snorts when she laughs.
Deep breath in, death breath out. The view is still out the window, the Rockies, sitting lazily against the horizon. They too feel peace and calm. One week to reflect and a few moments to relax...

And now policy…

1 comment:

  1. Mika...
    We have all had days like this, and, unfortunately, or fortunately...however you want to look at it...there will be many more along your path. You have embarked on a very strenuous and emotionally draining path...but in the end, it will be worth it all.
    I will tell you that the most important lesson I learned from going through NP school is, if YOU don't push yourself harder than you think you can stand...NO ONE else will. Your friends and family will be supportive, lift you up when you are feeling down...but unless they have traveled down this path...there is no way they can completely understand the sacrifices you must make to achieve your goal. There will be dinners missed, dates canceled, and valuable "getaway" time that must be postponed til a later date! Your friends will be understanding, but only YOU can push yourself as hard as you need to to reach the end of the road.
    Who knows what the instructors motives were, and in the end...it really doesn't matter...she will never be able to push you harder than you are pushing yourself! Sometimes, and I had an instructor admit she had done this to me...the stronger students are singled out and made an example of for the others...with the explanation that..."I knew you could handle it." Maybe it was nothing more than that...and if it was...you should be honored to be considered the strong one! (Which I know you are!)
    Embrace your love of people and your desire to heal their wounds and ease their pain...so few are able to do this, and even fewer who do it well. Take plenty of time to purge yourself emotionally, then, move on. If you KNOW you are good at what you do...half of your learning is already over!
    I am proud of you...you can do this!
    Oh...and I snort when I laugh, too! :)
    Kelly Myren :)
